Supporting the Future Farmers of America

Kingsville, ON, November 30, 2017 – In July, A.M.A. was asked by a friend in the Ball Horticultural organization (Bushel and Berry) to sponsor the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Horticulture Competition in Indiana. Our role was simply to supply enough Ellepots by A.M.A. for the competitors to propagate some plants. We were happy to do it, since we love to encourage young people to come into our industry – we need their brains and their energy!
This week we received a nice surprise package – an FFA T-shirt and a stack of really nice thank you notes from the competitors – awesome. Kudos to FFA for supporting so many great students and encouraging their future in ag/hort. Congratulations to all the students who made it to the nationals and to the winners.

Thanks to all the students and the organizers of FFA for letting us help out in our small way.