Meet Chris Rivest: Production Supervisor at A.M.A. Horticulture!
Chris Rivest joined A.M.A. in 2014, supporting seasonal production of Ellepots by A.M.A. About a year later, he became a full-time member of our team – and he’s never looked back. This month, we congratulate Chris on ten years of service and celebrate with him as he starts his new role as Production Supervisor, supporting the people who are doing great work in A.M.A.’s three areas of production: Stonewool, Al’s Flower Pouch, and Ellepots by A.M.A. (Chris’s personal favourite). Get to know Chris in this interview, where he shares his thoughts on leadership and why horticulture is a great place to be.

“In horticulture, you know you’re contributing to something good.”
– Chris Rivest, Production Supervisor, A.M.A. Horticulture
Chris, congratulations on ten years at A.M.A.! That’s amazing. What do you like about being on this team?
The people here are nice to work with and always friendly. Plus I like working in production. The orders come in, we knock them off and ship them out. It’s straightforward, and gives a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
I hear you recently completed a Dale Carnegie leadership course as part of A.M.A’s training program. How was that?
It was good! I took the course in person up in Windsor and we learned a lot. The most valuable thing I learned was probably identifying my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Now I know what I need to work on in this new role.
What does good leadership mean to you?
I think good leadership is about setting a good example. Being respectful of everyone and making sure everyone is respecting each other. A good team atmosphere, where everyone looks out for each other, is really important – especially in a production environment where safety matters and mistakes can happen. Good leadership is about helping people learn how to catch those mistakes themselves and prevent them the next time.
What do you like about working in the horticulture industry?
I like knowing that my work is helping people grow food, or flowers. It’s helping make the world look nicer, cleaner, healthier. In horticulture, you know you’re contributing to something good.
Thank you, Chris, for ten years of service at A.M.A.! What a milestone! 🥳 We are always looking for good people who want to help cultivate the future of horticulture. Learn more about joining our team here.