Vertical gardening on the rise with Al’s Flower Pouch

January 7, 2021, KINGSVILLE – As urban centres become more populated and residences grow upward, so do the gardens. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, housebound consumers have refocused creative energies on their outdoor spaces but, increasingly, they are working with smaller gardens and fewer beds than green thumbs of the past. Solutions for vertical gardening have never been more attractive, and a new online resource is helping growers think beyond the hanging basket.
This week, A.M.A. Horticulture Inc. launched a new website to inspire growers, garden centres, distributors and home gardeners to get creative with Al’s Flower Pouch, the original vertical garden. The website offers a collection of how-to videos, photo galleries, tips and information, tailored to site users and their unique needs and interests. Home gardeners are also able to purchase Al’s Flower Pouch directly through the site.
With small-space gardening trends on the rise, Al’s Flower Pouch is a unique option that helps to optimize space for growers and home gardeners alike and we’re seeing increasing interest in this solution.
Connie Bradt-Monsma, Co-Managing Director, A.M.A. Horticulture
“This new website is inspired by our customers’ creativity. They’re using Al’s Flower Pouch to grow everything from succulents to cucamelon to chrysanthemums. We wanted to capture those fresh ideas and offer additional helpful information for others interested in Al’s Flower Pouch as a vertical garden solution.”
Al’s Flower Pouch was invented by A.M.A. Horticulture Inc. in 1992 and is manufactured at their facility in Kingsville, Ontario. The niche vertical planter brings plants up off the ground and is designed to hang flat against walls, balconies, fences, patios and more. For growers and garden centres, Al’s Flower Pouch helps improve ROI by optimizing unused greenhouse space.
Walls, under gutters and gable ends can be turned into productive, revenue generating space without sacrificing other crops and the pouches work with existing irrigation systems.
Janan Alles, Manager of growing containers, soils, and equipment, A.M.A. Horticulture
“Even within the greenhouse, there are ways to get creative. Some garden centres are using Al’s Flower Pouch to design living wall accents for customers to take selfies!”
Versatility has led Al’s Flower Pouch to stand the test of time. It hangs anywhere and works with all kinds of annuals, tropicals, succulents, fall mums, herbs and leafy greens, strawberries, tomatoes, decorative chilies – the possibilities go on.
“Innovation doesn’t always have to be high-tech or complex. Sometimes it’s a simple solution that can help steer us in new directions,” says Connie. “As the consumer landscape changes, we look forward to partnering with our customers to continue coming up with innovative solutions – big or small – that cultivate the future of horticulture.”
Get inspired and learn more about vertical gardening with Al’s Flower Pouch at
Al’s Flower Pouch is also available for wholesale purchasing directly through A.M.A. Horticulture.